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Play School – GitaRam Tulips

Play School


  • Introduce them to the natural resources like animals, fruits, vegetables, foods.
  • Introduce them to the environmental resources.
  • Introduce them to the special resources like water, air, season, solar system.
  • Exploring Colors through different creative activities.
  • Concept introduction through pictures/posters about community helpers, transport systems, and various other topics.

Pedagogy –

  • Solving riddles based on senses.
  • Arranging 4-5 picture cards or objects in a sequence.
  • Remember and recall 4-5 objects seen at a time.
  • Encouraging Children to explore and notice things in their surrounding environment.
  • Demonstrate awareness & sensitivity towards environmental concerns like wastage of water, the importance of plants, pollution, etc.


  • Identity close family members, friends, neighbours.
  • Learn about emotions and how to express them.
  • Awareness about good touch and bad touch.
  • Encouraging group activities like grammar games, word-building games.



  • Pressing & Joining dots.
  • Different activities to improve the grip of hand.
  • Painting to enhance their imagination.


  • Enjoys age-appropriate shorts stories and reponed by answering simple questions.
  • Phonological awareness such as rhyming identifies familiar sounds in the environment.
  • Explore the range of age-appropriate vocabulary with the help of picture books, storybooks, posters, and rhymes.
  • Use of frequently used English sight words, greetings & polite forms of expression.
  • Recognizing and understanding various vocabulary developmental games.
  • Having interactive sessions to stimulate thinking and speaking during picture talks & storytelling.


  • Introduce about colors, shapes, distance measurements, time.
  • Introducing numeric recognition.

Frequently asked questions

GitaRam TULIPS believes that all children have the right to a stress-free childhood, and we have demonstrated that education can be a fun way to learn. Learning can and should be enjoyable. We believe that all children should be able to enjoy the thrill of discovery and develop a passion for learning.

To provide all learners with an opportunity to maximize their innate potential by creating a learning environment that suits all individual learners. Also, motivate the human greatness in every child by identifying and nurturing each child’s unique gift.

GitaRam Tulips provides their need for an academic institution to nurture young talents with state-of-the-art facilities and develop the skills to face the challenges of modern society. For the first time in Berhampore, GitaRam Tulips is going to provide special education services for kids as a playschool. We believe every child needs special care to grow in their own way. So we curated an enriching online curriculum that includes hands-on activities designed to capture little one’s interest and spark their creativity.